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August 2, 2013


A while ago, artist Stuart Pilkington asked over 100 photographers from around the world to participate in his latest collaborative project BOOK • FILM • PAINTING – and I’m honored to be one of them. My contribution was inspired by Nikos…

April 30, 2012

a herd of birds

I recently started a tumblr. (for images of mine I liked, but wasn't able to turn into series – yet). a herd of birds… these are the little ones that have been fluttering around in my head for a little while,…

Juli 13, 2011

fLIP Magazine | Fantasy Issue

My work was featured in the British fLIP Magazine | Fantasy Issue in Summer 2011! fLIP Magazine by London Independent Photography is published three times per year and each issue has an overarching theme. Our primary aim is to showcase…

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