Hatje Cantz fotoblog | Julia Schiller | Intro of PiB Photography in Berlin
I was invited by Nadine Barth to guest blog for the Hatje Cantz fotoblog in January 2018. Awesome! Thus I had the opportunity to present my platform »PiB – Photography in Berlin« and to feature a couple of current exhibitions & exciting artists in Berlin.
On occasion of the invitation, I also launched a new #pibinterview series entitled »7 Questions for… / 7 Fragen an…«, with the aim of taking a look behind the scenes and introducing protagonists and artists from Berlin’s photography scene on a more personal level.
The interviews will be continued afterwards and published on PiB Photography in Berlin.
Update 2023: The contents of the Hatje Cantz fotoblog unfortunately seem to be offline by now, so I’ll publish my contributions below instead:
Note: This series of articles is a reproduction of my articles as a guest blogger for the Hatje Cantz fotoblog in January 2018. · Hinweis: Diese Reihe von Artikeln ist eine Reproduktion meiner Beiträge als Gastbloggerin für den Hatje Cantz fotoblog im Januar 2018.

Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Julia, and i’m excited to be this month’s guest blogger for Hatje Cantz.
To begin with, i’d like to introduce my current project to you, »PiB – Photography in Berlin«, a bilingual (en/de) platform solely dedicated to fine art & documentary photography in Berlin.
With an art scene such versatile and vibrant as in Berlin, i was suprised to find out a couple of years ago that none of the existing art platforms put an emphasis on photography – so i decided to change that. Since its launch in spring 2015, PiB publishes a bi-monthly print guide, the PiB Guide, which presents a selection of photography exhibitions & events you shouldn’t miss in Berlin. Additionally, PiB’s Website and E-Newsletter keep you informed about new highlights on a daily/weekly basis.
Feel free to also follow PiB on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
Just in case you were wondering why I don’t give credits to my team, there’s a simple reason: I’m doing everything myself. It’s not easy (at all), and so I’m grateful for all the support you might want to give me… (for example by sharing this platform with your friends, or by ordering an annual subscription of the PiB Guide?) ; )
I’m also open to media partnerships & collaborations, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have something in mind.
The current PiB Guide Nº16 Jan/Feb 2018 comprises 52 pages and is available in many galleries & photography institutions throughout Berlin, as well as by mail order. An annual subscription (or a gift subscription for a friend) with international shipping are also offered on PiB’s website.
Featured on the cover of this issue is Evelyn Hofer‘s solo show »Cities, Interiors, Still Lifes. Photographs 1962 – 1997« at Galerie Springer Berlin (Charlottenburg), on view until February 3, 2018.

PiB Guide Nº16 Jan/Feb 2018
Booklet, A6 format, 52 pages
On the cover: Galerie Springer Berlin | Evelyn Hofer »Cities, Interiors, Still Lifes«
The PiB Guide is deliberately published in a small format – currently as an A6 booklet – so it can function as a pocket guide & always accompany you around the city. It also includes a little map and public transportation details for each venue, so you can easily find your way around (even without a smartphone, imagine!)…
Being invited to contribute to this blog also gave me the impulse to finally launch a series of interviews i’ve had in mind for a while now, which will take a look behind the scenes and introduce protagonists & artists from Berlin’s photography scene on a more personal level.
I’m looking forward to publishing the first feature in the interview series »7 questions for…« shortly here on the Hatje Cantz fotoblog!
Previously published PiB Guides up until now:

PiB Guide Nº15 Nov/Dec 2017
Booklet, A6 format, 72 pages
On the cover: Galerie Hilaneh von Kories | Sabine Weiss »Un regard personnel«
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº14 Sep/Oct 2017
Booklet, A6 format, 64 pages
On the cover: aff Galerie | »Labsal und Bürde« (cover image © Fred Hüning)

PiB Guide Nº13
Special Edition June – August 2017
Magazine, A4 format, 56 pages
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº12 March/Apr 2017
Leporello, A6 format, 12 pages
On the cover: Collection Regard | Christian Schulz »Photographs. West-Berlin 1981-1989«

PiB Guide Nº11 Jan/Feb 2017
Leporello, A6 format, 12 pages
On the cover: Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung | Andrej Zdravič »Ocean Cantos«
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº10 Nov/Dec 2016
Leporello, A6 format, 12 pages
On the cover: Robert Morat Galerie | Sjoerd Knibbeler »Digging up Clouds«
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº9 Sep/Oct 2016
Leporello, A6 format, 14 pages
On the cover: Kehrer Galerie | Daniel Tchetchik »Sunburn«
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº8 July/Aug 2016
Leporello, A6 format, 12 pages
On the cover: Kunstquartier Bethanien | »SHIFTING FOCUS« (cover image © Federica Landi)
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº7 May/June 2016
Leporello, A6 format, 12 pages
On the cover: exp12 | »Scintillations« – Nadja Bournonville, Alexander Gehring, Sara Wallgren (cover image © Nadja Bournonville)
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº6 March/Apr 2016
Leporello, A6 format, 12 pages
On the cover: Berlin Foto Kiez | Michael Ackerman Workshop
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº5 Jan/Feb 2016
Leporello, A6 format, 10 pages
On the cover: FENSTER61 | Diane Vincent – OBEN
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº4 Nov/Dec 2015
Leporello, A6 format, 10 pages
On the cover: Bildband Berlin | René Groebli – Early Work
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº3 Sep/Oct 2015
Leporello, A6 format, 8 pages
On the cover: FENSTER61 | Holger Biermann »Aus der Kurve«
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº2 July/Aug 2015
Leporello, A6 format, 8 pages
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

PiB Guide Nº1 May/June 2015
Leporello, A6 format, 8 pages
Editor / V.i.S.d.P. / Art Direction: Julia Schiller

Julia Schiller, geboren in Landshut, studierte Mediadesign, Fotografie und Kommunikationsmanagement und begann ihre Laufbahn als Art Director in München, gefolgt von Athen, wo sie für ein paar Jahre lebte und als Kreativdirektorin in der Werbung arbeitete. Seit 2006 ist sie in Berlin beheimatet, wo sie zusammen mit Oliver Schneider das Online-Magazin »Actual Colors May Vary {ACMV}« ins Leben rief. Mit ACMV stellten sie neue Talente in der Fotografie vor, organisierten und kuratierten Ausstellungen & Veranstaltungen in Berlin, und nahmen an internationalen Fotofestivals teil. Motiviert von stets wachsender Leidenschaft für künstlerische Fotografie gründete sie »PiB — Photography in Berlin« im Frühling 2015. PiB ist eine zweisprachige (de/en) Plattform für künstlerische & dokumentarische Fotografie, und widmet sich der Vorstellung ausgewählter Höhepunkte aus Berlins lebendiger Fotografie-Szene – auf PiBs Website, im wöchentlichen E-Newsletter, und im zweimonatlich erscheinenden gedruckten PiB Guide, welcher mittlerweile auch internationale Abonnenten anzieht. Als »ele studio« designen Julia und Oliver für Print & Web und realisieren Websites im kulturellen & sozialen Bereich. Julia ist Mitglied bei SALOON BERLIN, dem Netzwerk für Frauen der Berliner Kunstszene.