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SMBHmag | Issue #9 Alternative Vision

SMBHmag | Issue #9 Alternative Vision

SMBHmag Issue #9 | Alternative Vision, published in Dec 2011 by Irish artist Barry W Hughes, featured a couple of images from my series ‚Slightly Misplaced‚.

About this issue’s theme:
Alternative Vision is a theme that could run for more than one issue. There are many artists using new technologies, and indeed old techniques in new ways, to create images. Not just about better understanding of how we construct images, but what constitutes the photographic image in an ever changing world. There is a need with many artists working today to explore the mechanics and logic of photography in ways that go beyond the now outdated arguments of the 20th century. Photography is a much more self assured medium, so the questions that are asked of it now run deeper and closer to to the medium’s full potential.

Featured artists:
Jordan Tate, Simone Massera, Aline Smithson, Tom Flynn, Jamie House, Peter Cibák, Olivia Bowman, James Parkin, Julia Schiller, Ellen Jantzen, David Thomas Smith, Katrin Korfmann, Mocksim, Bríd O’Donovan, Erin O’Keefe, Andrey Bogush, Pascal Ancel Bartholdi reviews John Stezaker, Courtney Johnson on Cliché-Verre

SMBHmag | Issue #9 Alternative Vision
SMBHmag | Issue #9 Alternative Vision
SMBHmag | Issue #9 Alternative Vision | From the series 'slightly misplaced' © Julia Schiller
SMBHmag | Issue #9 Alternative Vision | From the series 'slightly misplaced' © Julia Schiller

Established in 2009 by Irish artist/photographer Barry W Hughes, SMBHmag / SuperMassiveBlackHole is dedicated to contemporary photography and the photographic imagery resulting from the time-based processes found in many interdisciplinary art practices today. It is available to download for free as a PDF three times a year.

Time, Space, Light & Gravity are what drive SuperMassiveBlackHole.

Related links
SMBHmag | Issue #9 Alternative Vision
SMBHmag | Issue #9 Alternative Vision | PDF Download (6,9 MB)
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Barry W Hughes

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